Beware: Once you start solving these word searches, you won’t be able to stop! These searches are wildly entertaining, sometimes funny, and in a range of different levels to suit every solver. It’s the newest in the go!games series, and one that’s sure to be a hit.
Each puzzle features a cool theme, from "007" (agents, assassins, and Bond, James Bond) to "Authors" (Dickens, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, and Twain) and "Board Games" (Checkers, Chess, Parcheesi, and Yahtzee). Or choose "Bite Me," "Elvis," "Golf Courses," and "Putting on the Brakes." There are 188 word searches in all, and each one is so much fun you’ll want to keep on solving till you have done them all! And of course completed puzzles are there in the back.
ISBN 9781936140909
Ages 8+.
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