In Disney's Frozen 2, the magical connection between Elsa and Olaf forms an unbreakable bond. These Talk and Glow Olaf and Elsa dolls let kids imagine adventure-filled scenes from the movie
Slide the switch on Olaf's head and give him a nudge to wake him up, then lift the RC Elsa doll's right arm, and Olaf moves, talks, and glows. Lower Elsa's arm and raise it again to activate a different movie-inspired phrase from Olaf. He will also move and glow again. The Olaf doll has more than 20 sounds and phrases
After approximately a minute of inactivity, the dolls will enter sleep mode. Give Olaf a nudge to start the fun again
1 x Talk & Glow Olaf Doll 1 x Talk & Glow Elsa Doll 20 Film Sounds & Phrases Requires x5 1.5v AAA Batteries 35.6 x 27.9 x 8.1cm Suitable for Ages 3+
For ages 3+.